Group Communication

Clubhouse – A Tool for Group Communication Among Students


The clubhouse is new project management software that is getting very much popular. This software is specifically designed, for meeting the requirements of software development teams. According to users and reviews of coursework writing services experts, it is easier to use and provides a clutter-free experience, and it is providing services and help to both core engineering and product management teams.

Aim and Purpose:

The clubhouse project management software is designed by Kurt Schrader and Andrew Childs. Their main purpose or aim for designing this software was to provide the programming students, professionals, and experts a virtual place where they can virtually work together to complete different assignments, projects, and create products. It is designed for software developers. It is designed for working with the Agile, Scrum, and Kanban software development methodologies. Its basic purpose is to eliminate the silo effect and its impact that is due to the lack of information and communication gap between individuals and departments.

Main Features:

  • Project planning
  • Backlogs and sprints planning
  • Viewing and monitoring the progress of the project
  • Automating the workflows
  • Managing workflows
  • Projects streamlining
  • Tracking and Planning users Stories
  • Integrate with Slack, GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
  • It organizes the stories and highlights in a very effective way.


This software has a web app, desktop app, and mobile app. It is available for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. It is available on the web store, app store, and play store.

Advantages of Using Clubhouse:

  • It has a user-friendly interface. Most programmers have the tragic experience of managing cumbersome; old-style programming that hinders their work process. The clubhouse is specifically designed by keeping in view the ease and convenience of users and is not difficult to use. The user can easily find all the required highlights on the left sidebar that is present on the home screen.
  • Easy Functionality. When you are working on a group project, you have multiple files, stories, epics, workflows, and projects. At the time of need, it is very difficult to find the exact document you require. So, clubhouse solved this problem by providing the filter searches option. There is also a global search bar.
  • It is very suitable for working on Agile. Any software tool without Agile is trivial. The clubhouse is best to work with Scrum, Kanban, and Agile.
  • It is easy to label and prioritize the tasks and projects.
  • Easy and compacted to learn.
  • Effective easy and fast.
  • Clubhouse project management software enables the user to easily track his and team progress.
  • The user can also make predictions about the completion of the task based on the tracking information provided by the software. This information is also helpful in readjusting the goals and timeline, and deadlines for different tasks.
  • Users can define their steps and procedures to follow according to their project.


Like all other software, the Clubhouse also has certain drawbacks and limitations. There is no option available to customize the dashboard according to the user’s needs and preferences. As mentioned above, the easy-to-access dashboard of the clubhouse is very advantageous, as it contains all the necessary highlights on the left sidebar of the home screen. But besides this advantage, the user is not able to customize the dashboard according to his choice. The dashboard is the first screen that you see, but if the screen is not according to the user’s need, then he will surely get frustrated. Quality programming advancement is not tied in with coding. There is some ordinary writing required also! It has insufficient remote team management features. There is a lack of native time tracking features, a lack of Gantt charts, and project timeline view features.


Clubhouse project management software is quite expensive. But clubhouse project management team is offering three types of pricing plans

  • Free Plans
  • Standard Plans
  • Enterprise Plans

The free plan offers unlimited core features for one to ten users or small groups. The standard plan is for more than eleven users and charges $8.5 per month. This plan has an observer feature that allows one guest user who can see your work but cannot post or edit anything. Enterprise plan is offered with the custom price and has more additional security features.

The Bottom Line:

For fast and good group communication, good project management software is required that must offer home for product teams and improves the productivity of team members. The clubhouse has many good features but it has drawbacks as well. While using clubhouse project management software, its limitations cannot be simply ignored.